
I'm Matt and this is my just-for-fun side project. My day job actually mostly happens at night (I'm a performing singer/songwriter).

How to build a band w/ Judah Akers

How to build a band w/ Judah Akers

This week’s guest is one of those people insecure guys like me can’t stand. Not only is Judah Akers building an incredible music career in his band, Judah & The Lion, but before that, he was a star collegiate ATHLETE, playing baseball for the Belmont Bruins. If that weren’t enough to make you hate the guy, he’s really handsome AND genuinely kind too. 

I sat down with Judah in front of a small audience in Nashville at the sneaker and streetwear shop, ROOTED to talk about his journey and how he’s coping with the growing pains of being in a burgeoning folk hop & roll band. I hope you enjoy this week’s conversation with Judah & The Lion’s Judah Akers.


Taylor Bruce wants you to travel like a local

Taylor Bruce wants you to travel like a local

Branden Harvey is not your average Pro-Snapchatter

Branden Harvey is not your average Pro-Snapchatter